A complete blood count, also known as CBC, full blood count, or blood cell count, is a blood test that analyzes and measures the amount of red blood cells, hemoglobin, white blood cells, and platelets in the body. 

The test evaluates a patient’s health and helps screen various disorders, including anemia. It also enables a better understanding of unusual increases or decreases in blood cell counts.


Reasons To Take A CBC Blood Panel 

  • To screen and diagnose a medical condition – If you experience symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss, fever, signs of infection, weakness, bruising, bleeding, or similar issues, a blood test can assist in pinpointing the potential cause of your condition.
  • To give an update about your current condition – A CBC reviews your general health. It will also help you look into potential conditions you may have.
  • To review the effectiveness of hematologic treatment – Some conditions, like cancer and autoimmune disorders like Lupus, require medication, such as drugs and antibiotics, that can affect patients’ blood cell counts. A CBC test can monitor how effective the treatment is. 

CBC Test Procedure

  1. A healthcare provider will place a needle into your vein and collect your blood sample. 
  2. Your healthcare provider will send your sample to a laboratory for analysis.
  3. You will get your test results after they are made available. 

A CBC test procedure does not involve downtime. Once you finish the test, you can return to your usual activities immediately. 



Do I need to fast before taking a CBC test?

No. There is no need to fast before taking the test. 


How much is a CBC test in the Philippines?

The cost of a CBC test in the Philippines may differ based on your chosen hospital, laboratory, clinic, diagnostic and health center.  Another variable affecting the cost is whether it is bundled with other tests. You can learn about the CBC test price at St. Elizabeth Hospital by contacting us directly. 


Is there any risk with a CBC test?

A CBC test is risk-free because it is a non-invasive procedure; the information it provides is crucial for doctors to develop an appropriate treatment plan. 


What diseases can a CBC test detect?

The CBC test can help screen for anemia, leukemia, autoimmune disorders, inflammation, and sickle cell disease. 


Get Your CBC Test And Other Health Services At St. Elizabeth Hospital Inc. 

A CBC is helpful, especially if you want to learn more about your medical condition. Procure your CBC test now at St. Elizabeth Hospital Inc.! We are committed to empowering our patients to thrive through innovative healthcare services. Our procedures include the CBC test, angiograms, angioplasties, wisdom tooth removal and Executive check-up. Contact us today!