Have you been advised for surgery for treatment of a certain disease but are afraid of having big incisions ,scars and having to suffer intense post-operative pain? Then laparoscopy might be for you.  Otherwise termed as Minimally Invasive Surgery, Laparoscopy is used to treat several diseases of the lungs, abdomen, pelvis and groin.  It only creates a one (1) centimeter or smaller wound(s) to access the chest, abdomen or pelvis.  A camera or scope enters these cavities and projects these images magnified in a monitor.  With these images on the screen, the surgeon can navigate inside the patient and perform surgery without the need to open the patient up.

Laparoscopy can be performed for the following indications:

  1. Trauma to the abdomen
  2. Gallstone disease
  3. Gastric and intestinal tumors
  4. Lung tumors and other thoracic diseases
  5. Appendicitis
  6. Hernias
  7. Uterine myoma
  8. Ovarian cysts and neogrowths
  9. Ectopic pregnancy
  10. Breast, thyroid, pancreatic diseases

Contrary to open surgery, laparoscopic procedures provide shorter hospital stay, minimal post-operative pain, inconspicuous scars and faster recovery (early return to work or leisure activities).

St. Elizabeth Hospital offers Laparoscopic Surgery with state-of-the-art equipment ensuring your procedures done in a safest environment possible performed by our competent surgeons.

For more inquiries and bookings, please call 552-3162.

We Cure, We Care!